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Body Piercing Guide—What To Expect, Healing, and Care

Posted by Jessy L. on 12th Apr 2023

Body Piercing Guide—What To Expect, Healing, and Care

Body Piercing Guide—What To Expect, Healing, and Care

If you're thinking about getting a body piercing, you'll want to read this guide first!

In fact, the majority of issues that occur with first-time piercings do so because the customers lack the necessary knowledge to care for their piercing. Safety is of utmost priority when it comes to modifying your body.

In this article, we'll discuss the process of getting pierced, what to expect during the healing process, and how to care for your new piercing. Whether you're considering a navel piercing or something more complicated like a facial piercing, we've got you covered.

So go ahead and read on for all the information you need before making your decision.

History of Piercing—Where It All Began

The history of piercing goes back many thousands of years. There's evidence that it was practiced in ancient Egypt, where a mummy was found with pierced ears.

However, the first recorded instance dates back to around 12,000 BC. This is when an individual from Nevasa (Spain) had their ears pierced and adorned with seashells or stones.

The oldest pierced body parts discovered were three pairs of nostril plugs. They were made out about 5000 years ago by hunter-gatherers living along Europe's Danube River region. This is what we now know as Germany and Austria today!

They were likely worn as decorative accessories, not unlike how people wear jewelry today. Still, there have also been speculations that these items symbolized status within society. They were hard to come by and labor-intensive to make.

The Spread of Piercing Culture

The practice of piercing then spread throughout Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Australia. It is often used as a form of initiation or coming-of-age ritual.

In some cultures, only men could be pierced. While in others, both men and women could have piercings with varying degrees of decoration based on their social standing. It wasn't until around the 1700s that body piercing began appearing in Europe and North America.

At this time, many saw it as a way for people to express themselves through their appearance. It was mainly limited to those in the upper echelons of society.

Furthermore, the popular type of piercing during this period differed significantly from what we see today. For example, people would pierce their cheeks to attach a Moustache of Venus—a piece of jewelry made out of gold or silver that resembled a mustache.

Or they would pierce their tongues and wear large rings through them. It wasn't until the 1970s that body piercing began to gain popularity amongst the general population. At this time, it started becoming more mainstream.

The Various Types of Body Piercings

There are many different types of body piercings that you can get, and the one you choose will depend on your personal preference. Some of the most popular piercings include:

Ear Piercings

There are many ear piercings, including lobe, helix, tragus, and rook. These are usually painless if done correctly.

Nose Piercings

A nose piercing can be done in either the nostril or septum. For some people, this piercing is very painful. However, when done right, most people won't feel it.

Lip Piercings

piercings come in various styles, such as Monroe, labret, vertical lip frenulum (VFF), and snake bites.

Tongue Piercings

Tongue piercings are one of the most popular piercings and come in various styles, such as frenulum piercing, webbing piercing, and snake bites.

Navel Piercings

Navel piercings are one of the most popular types of piercings and can be done with either a ring or barbell. They are quite painless and quick.

Facial Piercings

Facial piercings include eyebrow piercings, lip piercings, nose piercings, and cheek piercings. These can be a bit painful when they are done, but with proper care, healing won't be painful.

The Process of Getting Pierced

The first step is deciding where you want to get pierced, which can be a difficult decision if there are many options available. Some people like having multiple piercings. Others prefer just one or two strategically placed ones, so they don't have too much metal on their body at once!

Before committing to anything permanent, make sure that you're ready for it. If not now, then perhaps later down the line when your skin has had time to heal from any previous piercings.

And remember: No matter what type of piercing you get (or how many), always follow aftercare instructions closely. Keep an eye out for signs of infection such as redness around the area where the needle went through during application.

Furthermore, always go to a professional piercer instead of someone who does it at home. This is for your safety and the health of your piercing.

A professional piercer has been trained to pierce your body inadequately. They know how to handle any complications that may arise. They will also be able to provide you with aftercare instructions specific to the type of piercing you've gotten.

The Day Of

On the day of your appointment, arrive early so you can fill out any necessary paperwork and discuss your piercing with the piercer.

They will then ask you to sit down in a chair and clean the area where the piercing will occur with an antiseptic soap. They will then mark the spot on your body with a pen to ensure that it is placed in the correct location.

Next, they will put on gloves and open up a sterile package that contains the needle. The piercer will then hold up the jewelry next to your skin to get an idea of how big it needs to be so they can make adjustments as needed.

Once everything is ready, the piercer will ask you to take a deep breath in and hold it for a few seconds. They will then pierce your skin with the needle and quickly insert the jewelry into the hole. You may feel a slight pinch as it goes through, but it should not be too painful overall.

The whole process usually takes less than five minutes, and once it's over, you can get up and leave! Be sure to follow aftercare instructions closely to ensure that your piercing heals properly.

How to Pick the Right Piercing Specialist

When looking for a piercing specialist, it is essential to find someone adequately trained and licensed in their field.

It is also a good idea to look for someone who has experience with the piercing you are getting. If you're unsure where to start, ask your friends or family members if they have any recommendations.

Once you've found a few potential candidates, take some time to do some research on each one. Read reviews online and see what other people have said about their experience. This will help you narrow down your choices and make the best decision possible for yourself.

Depending on where you live, the piercing specialist might or might not have to be certified by a state agency. If they don't have this certification, it is still possible that they're good at their job. Still, it also means one could involve some risks since anyone can call themselves an expert without actually being one.

If you feel comfortable with your decision after researching each candidate, you can decide. That's all that's left to do before scheduling an appointment. You also have to decide where to get pierced.

A few popular choices include the earlobe or nose studs. However, if those aren't what interests you most, consider other options like septum rings placed between nostrils. There's also labret lip jewelry for upper lips.

What to Expect During the Healing Process

The healing process can take anywhere from a few days up to several weeks depending on where you got pierced and what method of piercing was used.

Some types of body piercings require more care than others, so make sure that you're informed before getting one done! The most important thing when caring for any new piercing—no matter how small or large—is keeping it clean.

You can do so by regularly washing with soap and water and applying topical antibiotic ointment twice daily. Do this until there are no signs of infection such as redness around the hole.

Furthermore, avoid touching the piercing unnecessarily and keep it dry until it has healed. Swimming, soaking in a bathtub, and harsh soaps or chemicals on the area can all delay the healing process. Be mindful of your surroundings when caring for your new piercing.

Most people experience mild discomfort and swelling immediately following the piercing. This should disappear within a few days. If there is any significant pain, redness, discharge, or swelling after that, you should consult with your piercer, as it may be an infection.

In general, however, most piercings heal without any significant problems, provided they are taken care of properly.

Supplements That Can Aid Piercing Healing

If you want to speed up the healing process and make sure your new piercing is as healthy as possible, you can consider taking supplements. They can help with the process.

Taking vitamin C will boost your immune system and aid in collagen production, which helps wounds heal faster. Zinc may help reduce inflammation while preventing infection since it is antibacterial.

If you are prone to getting keloids (raised scar tissue), then taking arnica Montana tablets or applying topical creams can help. Making sure they are containing arnica extract might be beneficial. This is because they decrease redness associated with skin trauma such as piercings.

How to Care for Your New Piercing

Always make sure that you're following the appropriate aftercare instructions for your piercing. Each one will be different based on where one placed it and what type of body modification was done there. If it's in an area with more blood flow, like behind your ear lobe, then the healing time will probably be shorter.

If at any point during recovery you notice redness around where the needle went through during application, consult a doctor. If you have a fever higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37 Celsius), speak to a doctor as well. These could both indicate an infection that needs treatment right away before permanent damage sets in!

After regularly washing with soap and water, apply topical antibiotic ointment twice daily until there are no signs of infection, such as redness around the hole.

Furthermore, avoid touching the piercing unnecessarily, and keep it dry until it has healed. Swimming, soaking in a bathtub, and using harsh soaps or chemicals on the area can all delay healing. Therefore, be mindful of your surroundings when caring for your new body modification!

Changing Your Piercing, Pain and Discomfort, and Metal Types

Piercings can be changed or removed at any time, but it's essential to keep in mind that the healing process will start all over again, so there is always a risk of infection. If you are unhappy with your piercing, make an appointment with your piercer, and they should be able to help you out!

Most people experience mild discomfort and swelling immediately following the piercing, but this should disappear within a few days.

If there is any significant pain, redness, discharge, or swelling after that, you should consult with your piercer, as it may indicate an infection.

Certain types of metals are more suited for piercing than others, and your piercer will be able to guide you in the right direction. For instance, some of these metals are more prone to rusting, which means they won't last as long and could cause problems if not cared for properly.

What Kind of Jewelry Should Be Used?

This depends on what kind of piercing you want! Different types will require other metals or materials to be used for the body part to be pierced (and its surrounding area). The metal can actually have an effect on proper healing, due to the chemical characteristics of the metal.

For instance, ear piercings should use gold-plated jewelry since this metal doesn't irritate sensitive skin as nickel does.

Tongue rings can come with plastic balls at each end. These are usually made out of acrylic material, so there's no risk that your mouth will react adversely when biting down hard while eating certain foods. These issues would otherwise occur with sauces or ice.

Another common piercing used for tongue rings commonly is a metal barbell made out of titanium, surgical steel, or gold.

Common Mistakes Made By New Piercing Customers

Some people make the mistake of not following their piercer's aftercare instructions. This can lead to problems such as infection and delayed healing time, which means it will take longer for you to get your piercing back in shape!

The best way around this is by keeping up with all recommended steps while also cleaning twice daily using an antibacterial soap or solution that contains no fragrance additives (more on those below).

The most common mistakes are not cleaning the piercing enough and ignoring signs that something may be wrong. If you notice redness or swelling around where your piercing took place, immediately contact a doctor for advice on how best to treat it!

Another mistake is using improper cleaning agents. Many people think that hydrogen peroxide or alcohol will help clean the area, but these can damage the piercing and delay healing time. Instead, look for specifically made cleaning agents to disinfect and nurture the area without causing further irritation.

Other Mistakes

The mistake of using harsh, abrasive skincare products around your piercing might be an issue if you're planning on wearing makeup near the area. This is because many common ingredients found in cosmetics—such as alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs) or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)—can irritate sensitive skin and cause problems like redness, itching, and bumps where there hadn't been any before!

If you want to avoid these issues altogether, make sure your beauty routine doesn't include anything too harsh at all times of day, whether it's the morning routine for work or nighttime before bedtime.

There's also the mistake of changing your jewelry too soon after the piercing has healed. This can lead to irritation and even infection if the hole isn't fully closed up yet. So, make sure to wait until your piercer tells you it's okay to change the type or style of your jewelry!

In short, proper care for a new piercing is essential to healing quickly and without any issues. By following these simple tips, you'll be on your way to enjoying your new addition with minimal fuss! At the end of the day, isn't the whole purpose of getting your piercing?

Who Shouldn't Get Body Piercings?

Body piercings are not recommended for people with certain medical conditions such as diabetes or hemophilia. If you have either of these, ask your doctor before getting any piercing done—even if they seem minor!

Pregnant people should also avoid body piercings. It could lead to complications during childbirth and may result in premature labor or stillbirths. Furthermore, if you're breastfeeding, it's also best to wait until after you've weaned your child before considering a piercing.

Some people have nickel allergies, which can cause skin irritation and inflammation around the pierced area. If this is the case, then make sure to ask your piercer if they offer jewelry made out of alternative materials like titanium or gold.

People getting tattoos may also want to avoid getting additional piercings done because the healing process for each can overlap and lead to further complications. So, if you're thinking of getting a tattoo anytime shortly, it's best to hold off on any new piercings as well.

Lastly, if you're on any medications that suppress your immune system, this could lead to complications with getting piercings done. So before making an appointment at the parlor, make sure there's not anything else going on in your life right now that might interfere with it first.

How Much Does It Cost?

Body piercing prices vary widely, but most places charge between $20-$50 for a single ear lobe or nostril pierced. Prices are generally higher when more than one part of the body is involved.

The cost also depends on location. Some shops offer free tattoos and piercings as promotional deals, while others may require payment upfront before starting work on clients' skin.

Furthermore, some people may choose to go to a professional piercer rather than using a home kit, which can often result in higher costs.

Generally, the more experience the piercer has, the more they will charge for their services. So if you're looking for a high-quality job, be prepared to pay a bit more.

Besides, many people think they know how to do body piercing without training or experience. These individuals may not use proper sterilization procedures, so it's always best to go somewhere that has been certified and licensed by the state health department (or equivalent).

Piercing Done Right

A body piercing can be a fun addition to your look, but it's important to remember that they require some special care. By following the tips in this guide, you'll be able to heal your new piercing quickly and without any problems!

It is also essential to go back for regular checkups with your piercer so they can make sure everything is healing correctly. This will help avoid any potential issues down the road.

If you're interested in buying some jewelry for your next body piercing, get in touch with us, and we will happily accommodate your needs.

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