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Tips and Tricks to Finding the Right Jewelry for Your Child

Posted by Jessy L. on 11th Dec 2023

Tips and Tricks to Finding the Right Jewelry for Your Child

Tips and Tricks to Finding the

Right Jewelry

for Your Child

Choosing jewelry for your kids, whether it’s their first or not, is an exciting experience. Still, you shouldn’t let that excitement stop you from taking in all the considerations, first.

Have you considered if your child is ready for jewelry? In a study about kid injuries, around 83 percent of the participants were children two years old and below who swallowed a jewelry item, so you have to be careful in that aspect.

There are a lot more considerations than age. Keep on reading below to let us help you find the right children’s jewelry that your child will treasure.

1. Consider Your Child’s Age

The most important consideration is your child’s age. This will determine whether they’re ready to wear certain types of jewelry.

Children younger than three years old, for example, might not be ready for a ring. Necklaces are a hazard, too, since babies can choke on it while you’re not looking.

Bracelets, on the other hand, are great for infants. They’re not a swallowing risk, unlike rings or earrings.

Little kids swallow small objects all the time. You might want to consider that when buying jewelry.

If you want a piece that they’ll wear for a long time, go for something neutral. As they age, they’ll likely change their likes and dislikes as often as they change clothes.

Jewelry with their birthstone on it is a good choice as they’ll never grow out of it.

2. Consider Your Child’s Preferences

Depending on your child’s age, they might be at the stage wherein they already have their preferences. They might be showing interest in a certain style, for example. They may already have their favorite color.

Consider these things when you choose jewelry. Remember that they’re the ones who will wear it and not you, so their preferences trump yours. Be it flowers, odd colors, hearts, and such, their interests should factor into your choice.

You can throw caution to the wind for jewelry pieces you expect them to outgrow in a few months or so. You make them happy and you’ll be sure they’ll wear it all the time.

However, when you’re buying jewelry that you expect to last them until they grow up, you’ll want to choose something classic. A diamond pendant, for example, will do fine decades from now. It’s great for special occasions, and you can buy longer chains for when they grow up.

3. Determine the Right Size

As you’re buying children’s jewelry, the sizing is going to be tricky. Children grow fast and their weight is easy to fluctuate. For these reasons, it can be hard to commit to a size.

Many jewelry pieces, however, can be adjustable. Some types of bracelets, for instance, might be flexible. As for earrings, you don’t have to worry about the size.

Let’s delve on that further below:

Ring Sizes

The best way to get the right ring size for your child is to have them come into a jewelry shop to have their finger sized. If that’s possible, however, you can check out different guides on how you can get it.

You’ll have to measure the diameter of the kid’s finger. It’s not as accurate, but it’s helpful in a pinch. You can refer to ring size charts for help.

A tip is to buy one size higher than you think you need. A child won’t be able to wear a ring too small, but they’ll be able to grow into a larger one.

Note that the ring sizes may still vary from supplier to supplier. Check if the jewelry shop has a chart of their own.

Bracelet Sizes

It’s easier to buy bracelets than rings because they’re less likely to fall out. Even if you buy something that’s one size larger, their hands will stop the fall. Wrists are easier to measure than fingers, too.

You might have to allow a few centimeters to make sure that the bracelet will fit. If you don’t have measurements, you can get the age of the child and look up the average bracelet size for that age.

It’s hard to go wrong with this, especially if you choose a style with adjustable straps. These are perfect for children as they’ll be able to wear the item for a longer time.

Necklace Sizes

In necklaces, the gap between too short and too long is pretty wide. For that reason, necklaces are the safest bet if you want to buy a piece of child jewelry without having their exact measurements.

Most types of necklaces, you have to clasp them around the neck to secure them. You won’t have to worry about it not fitting the child’s head as you won’t have to put it through, anyway. This is much unlike a ring or some types of a bracelet.

4. Suit the Occasion

Are you buying jewelry for a special celebration? In that case, you have to pick a piece that will suit the occasion.

For Christening, for example, you might want to consider cross pendants. They represent the sacrifices of Jesus Christ, which you might want the child to remember when they grow older. Cross earrings or those with dainty designs are great choices, too.

For their first birthday, why not use the idea of giving them their birthstone? You can also choose pendants with special meanings, like initials, names, and such.

For your wedding wherein your child can attend, you can opt to have their jewelry match yours. Give them a necklace with the same stone as in your engagement ring, for example.

The choice is yours; you’re the one who knows what can make your child feel even more special on a special day.

5. Choose Something Memorable

On that note, why not make it a memorable moment for both you and your child? You can go on a date with them and have them choose what they want.

You can make a whole day out of it. So, when your child gets older, they will attach the memories to the jewelry. The jewelry itself won’t be the only thing that’s memorable to the child.

Of course, that isn’t the only way you can make it memorable. Find a piece that has meaning for you and your family.

Many parents like giving their child a jewelry piece that symbolizes their love. You can use it as a reminder for your child of whatever it is you always want them to remember.

These are the types that become treasures for your children. They might be too young to realize now, but if the jewelry survives into their adulthood, it will become a lifelong treasure.

6. Think Long-Term

Speaking of, you might want to consider one that has a higher chance of surviving for many decades.

Real silver, gold, and such won’t likely be losing their value during the lifespan of your children. As such, they’re great choices for when you want something that will last. Adding precious stones, like diamonds and other gems, is a great idea, too.

However, you must consider all the risks of giving kids something valuable. They might lose something this valuable in a day and then they’ll forget about it in a week. They might also become a target of theft if you let them wear it without your supervision.

Consider doing this when they’re old enough to understand the value of things. You can also tell them to wear it on special occasions only.

7. Review the Different Types of Children’s Jewelry

What type of jewelry for your child to mark a special occasion or for nothing in particular? Consider the following attributes of each type of jewelry to help you decide.


Necklaces are popular gifts for children. They often mark something important, like the first birthday or so.

They’re also popular because they need less maintenance. They’re less likely to get lost, and you only have to take care of a pendant for most of the necklace styles. Children can’t access the clasp and use it, as well.


Children love bracelets because it’s something they can appreciate. It’s visible to them, unlike necklaces and earrings that they might not notice after a while.

However, it can interfere more than a necklace, especially if it’s ill-fitting. Having it on their wrists means they can pick at it, increasing the chances they might lose the bracelet.


Rings are pretty dependent on the child’s age. You won’t see babies and toddlers wearing one and for a good reason.

It’s easy to lose rings. Adults lose them often, what would you expect from kids who might not even know the value of the ring? It can irritate them and interfere with their playtime.

Don’t give a child a ring unless you know they want it for themselves. You also have to gauge if they’re at the age where they can take care of one.


With earrings, you have to consider if the kid already has piercings or not. You’ll also have to consider their age for this type of jewelry.

Is your child old enough to get piercings? Some parents have their children pierced even when they’re still babies. Others wait until their child gets old enough to have their say.

This decision lies on you and the other parent. This is pretty much the only other consideration if you want to give your child a pair of earrings.

8. How to Choose Children’s Jewelry

There are still many things you have to consider when choosing jewelry for your child. Keep in mind the following things:


Jewelry can be quite expensive, so this is an important consideration. They have a higher chance of getting lost by the hands of children.

If they don’t lose it, they might break it. Remember that kids move around a lot, and they may play rough with other kids.

That’s why buying jewelry for children is a gamble. There are ways you can increase the longevity of the item, though.

Buy something that fits well to lessen the chances of them falling. Your child shouldn’t be able to take it off by themselves, too.

Choose something durable and sturdy, too. Thin pieces of jewelry are likely to break under rough playtime. Prepare for it to get hit and picked on a lot.


Your child’s safety should be your top priority, though. Make sure the jewelry piece can’t injure them when broken. And ensure your children can’t break them with ease.

They should also be swallow-proof. For earrings, you can buy screw-back types, which will eliminate the risk of your child swallowing them.

Age factors a lot into this as some may already be old enough to know not to put the jewelry into their mouths.

Make yourself aware of metal allergies, as well. Nickel allergy is one of the most common ones, so educate yourself before giving your baby jewelry.


While jewelry is stylish indeed, you should still prioritize comfort first. Children don’t care about looks as much as you do, but they do care about tight-fitting jewelry pieces or those that itch.

For bracelets and necklaces, they shouldn’t be too tight. They shouldn’t be too loose, either, as they might instead hinder with movement.

Observe if the jewelry is making your kid irritated, too. If your child is unhappy with it, don’t force them.


This isn’t a requirement, but you might consider this when choosing jewelry. How can you make it fun?

By letting your kids make their jewelry on their own, of course. You can buy beads, charms, straps, and such and make a whole day out of it. Encourage them to make one for themselves, friends, and even you.

Buy the Right Jewelry for Your Child

With our children’s jewelry tips above, we hope you can find the right one for your child. Remember that each piece can be meaningful, even if you intend to or not.

Are you looking for the ideal jewelry for your kids? We’re here to provide the best options in the market. Feel free to contact us — we’re always happy to help you out.

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